Dr. Morty Atkin from the Department of Sociology, Archaeology, Criminology, Gender Studies, Religious Studies, and Western Area Studies (SACGRWA) has decided to forego retirement for another year. “Why would I retire?” asked Dr. Atkin, “I would do this job without pay and the fact that I’m still getting paid to do it is a bonus.” Dr. Atkin is a specialist in iconographic analyses of the scene of the Last Judgment on the tympanum of Lazare Cathedral, France, which was the topic of his Ph.D. Dissertation. He has been teaching at UNS for 60 years. “I’m older than most of the Vice-Presidents, combined,” joked Dr. Atkin, but added a more sobering note, “it used to be that students knew what a tympanum was, now I’m not so sure.” Dr. A.L. DeBell, current Chair of SACGRWA, noted that Dr. Atkin has been a fixture in the Department since long before she arrived. “Dr. Atkin has been here a long time,” DeBell said, “he has taught a lot of students about the Last Judgment scene on Vezelay’s tympanum.” DeBell noted that Dr. Atkin’s first year course remains as popular as ever. SACGRWA 100: Introduction to the Iconographic Analysis of the Tympanum at Vezelay continues to draw tens of students each year. 2nd year student Wheels Hoffman praised Dr. Atkin’s course calling it “neat” and “about a church in France” while 3rd year Jackie Pinvidic says she would take any course taught by Atkin. “It’s like taking a course with your grampa. I can barely understand what he’s saying but his sweaters are amazing and I just want to hug him after each lecture.”

1 Comment

Kathy · December 16, 2022 at 10:11 pm

It’s true! My granny took a class with Prof. Atkin back in the day. She still remembers that there’s a cathedral in France. Not just a life lesson but a lesson in life. Thanks UNS!

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