In 2023 UNS’ Cafe Polaris will launch a new sandwich named after current Vice President: Maturation and Refinement, Vick Mongol. The Mongol Roll is the creation of four current UNS students who say they owe the VP “big time.” During homecoming, 2021 the four students were facing criminal charges after their alcohol-fuelled rampage resulted in $500,000 damages to University property. Rather than penalize the students as police, members of the public and their own parents had wished, VP Mongol instead had a “challenging conversation” with the young men, reminding them of the importance of character and stressing the need to see the rampage as a teachable moment.

As part of their rehabilitation on campus the students were given managerial roles at Cafe Polaris which is how the sandwich came to fruition. “We wanted to honour VP Mongol for all that he had done for us,” one of the students explained, with another adding, “without him we would have had to pay – literally and figuratively – for our actions.” Proceeds from the sale of the Mongol Roll will go to the four students to cover their tuition and other expenses. They have also generously offered a free roll to each of the workers currently assisting with the demolition of Reunion House, the student residence that burned to the ground during the rampage. At the official launch of the sandwich earlier this week a visibly weeping VP Mongol was overcome by the gesture. “It’s moments like these that all the struggle, all the challenging conversations and disapproving looks are worth it. In true UNS spirit these young men have taken a challenge and turned it into an opportunity.”


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