Vernon Wormer-Fallingsworth III explaining the meaning of the word ‘fiduciary’ at a September Board of Governors meeting

The Faculty Union (FU-UNS) once again presented its case to the UNS Board of Governors arguing that faculty should be included in discussion of all educational matters at UNS. Union President Rudy Makepeace noted that this was the norm at all institutions of higher education and that faculty – as experts in teaching and learning – should be at the forefront of all educational decision-making. But Vernon Wormer-Fallingsworth III, Chair and Vice Chamberlin of the Household, Board of Governors rebuffed the Union’s request. “Universities are complex organizations,” Wormer-Fallingsworth III noted, explaining that “faculty are not in a position to understand the nuances of teaching and learning, such as the cost per student and the amount of revenue generated through each teaching modality.” He noted that faculty should focus their time on teaching and leave educational matters to the Board.


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